
Current and Previous PIs

Lab Description

Under the leadership of our founder, Dr. Francis D. Moore, our laboratory pioneered the study of the impact of surgery on metabolism. Standing on the shoulders of Dr. Moore and other surgical and scientific giants, our lab today continues the Brigham’s illustrious tradition of gastrointestinal and metabolic research.

As obesity and its resulting metabolic disorders have reached epidemic proportions, the focus of our lab’s work has shifted to understanding the mechanistic underpinnings of bariatric surgery. From the anti-diabetic effects of bariatric surgery to its many other far-reaching effects, we aim to leverage our scientific discoveries to develop novel therapies for patients that are ever more effective and less invasive.

Research Fellows come from all over the world to partake in research in the lab, a full list of whom can be found in our Alumni section. As part of our commitment to advancing our understanding of metabolic surgery worldwide we have a longstanding relationship with the East of England (Cambridge) Surgical Deanery in the UK, with a dedicated UK Fellow performing research in the lab continuously for decades. In fact, our PI Dr. Tavakkoli first came to the Brigham as a UK Research Fellow in our laboratory, paving the way to his current roles as Primary Investigator as well as Chief of General and Gastrointestinal Surgery in the Brigham and Women’s Department of Surgery.